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What to Do When You Can’t Attend a Writers Conference


I’ve written quite a few posts on the amazing benefits that come from attending writers conferences, but what do you do when you can’t go? This year will be one of the first times in a while that I won’t be attending a writers conference. I love going to ACFW, but this year, I’ll be having a baby only a few weeks before the conference and I can’t attend. So, I began to think on all the ways that I can continue my writing education from afar.

Writer Memberships: 

As a member of ACFW, I have access to online classes, forums and information on local chapter meetings. If you are a member of a writers group, check out what freebie classes they have to offer online and take yourself on a mini conference in your living room.

Writer’s Craft Blogs:

Here are my top favorite sites to visit. Just click on the website name:

The Steve Laube Agency Blog: This has great tips on the publishing side as well as fantastic advice from the agents on getting your novel into shape and into the right hands.

The Write Conversation: I met Edie Melson, the website’s blogger/owner, at ACFW last year while we were in line to meet up with editors. Her website hosts guest bloggers and was recently featured in The Writer’s Digest magazine for top 101 websites for writers! Her blog offers encouragement and great advice.

Janice Hardy’s Fiction University: This website has a fantastic backlog of antidotes for almost any writing dilemma/question you may have. She posts every day and has a ton of guest bloggers.

Writer Magazines:

The Writer’s Digest: This is my favorite writers magazine as it has great articles and offers different perspectives on writing from past and current best sellers of fiction and non-fiction.

The Writer: I only subscribed for a year because they didn’t focus enough on adult fiction for my needs. However, if you are into screen writing, children’s fiction and playwriting, this could be a good fit for you.

Courses on the Writing Craft:

The Christian Writers Institute.  This is literary agent Steve Laube’s website where he offers audio, video and PDF writing courses. Also, there’s a great selection of books on studying the writer’s craft. Check it out! I’ve already bought a book he recommends and am studying away.

Also, check your local library and see if they have any good books or audio courses on the writing craft. You can always request material if they don’t have it in their system.

For all of you that are sad about missing out on going to a conference this year, I hope this post helps you. Happy Writing!

Photo Cred: Unsplash.com

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  1. Thanks, Grace. I’ve bookmarked some of your links.

    Maybe you could mention writers’ critique groups as well. Sites like Scribophile and Critique Circle benefit everyone from wannabes to accomplished authors.

  2. Hi Kathy, thank you for commenting with the critique group sites! I will check them out 🙂 I agree, critique groups are wonderful for developing our craft. I never send out any stories without checking with my beta readers/critique group!

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